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9:49 p.m. - 2005-11-24
Thanksgiving of 1,000 Mixes
Well, no one felt up to making a full-on traditional turkey dinner this year, plus my family and friends have all been kind of sick, so we had "Night of 1,000 Mixes" for our Thanksgiving meal this year.

On the menu:

two soup mixes from Darby Creek Soups that Mom had bought at the State Fair this year. One was Chicken Tortilla, which was good but very spicy, and the other was some creamy potato-green chile soup that was truly awful and only one person had a bowl.

asparagus dip, also from Darby Creek Soups, mixed by MOI

assorted veggies, relish tray, rolls (pre-fab), some really good herb-mushroom cheese bread, and for dessert, a pink grapefruit cheeseball (from a mix by Tastefully Simple, again mixed by me) with a pound cake (that I baked from scratch!) and banana bread (Husband baked from scratch), plus some kind of pecan tarts, made from a mix.

Ha ha!

It was fun and there was no huge mess to clean up. So it wasn't the BEST meal I've ever had, but the company was good and we had lots of laughs about all our dishes that were made from a mix.

I have to work tomorrow. Ugh. As if work hasn't been HELL ON EARTH the last few days anyway. It seems I am now the only person amongst my family and close friends that has to work. Grrr.

Oh, well.

I'm thankful I have a good job.

It is Thanksgiving Day, after all!


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