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10:27 p.m. - 2005-11-28
When It Rains, It Pours
The workmen come tomorrow to start on our bathroom remodel.

To save money, we went and bought all our own stuff at Home Depot.

First of all, I hate Home Depot, mostly for political reasons, but that's another story.

Second of all, we decided to try and haul a 60" by 30 " shower/tub unit from the store (about 7 miles away) to our house, on one of the windiest days of November.

It totally stuck out the back of the pick-up truck we had to borrow to haul it in.

Husband and Dad are in the truck w/ the shower, tilted at a precarious angle and loosely tied down 'cause we only brought one set of tie-downs. Yes, we did not know what the fuck we were doing.

Mom and I are following in a car carrying the sink and pedestal and new fixtures.

We get about two blocks away from Home Depot, going slowly down the highway, and a big gust of wind almost takes the shower away.

We honked our horn so the guys would see it, though they said later they heard it blowing around. Poor Husband had to stop and get in the back with it to keep it from blowing away.

That was a slow, careful ride home. Getting it in the house was a whole 'nother chore. We just left it in the living room and the workmen can haul it upstairs.

Assuming it fits.

God! I didn't know it until just now, but plumbing and fixtures comes in standard sizes. And when you have an old house, everything is pretty much guaranteed to be "non-standard." I just hope this shit all works. I'm very nervous, to say the least.

Plus, I'm freaked out about having workmen in my house during the day when I'm not home.

We had a little snow/ice storm here today and it's freezing cold with gusty winds.

But really, I shouldn't complain.

Many D-landers read Tater Fay's diary, and if you've followed the horrible events that have befallen her and her family in the last month or so, I really am having an okay life right now. Keep her and her family in your thoughts these coming weeks.

And a friend at work just had her mother get diagnosed with cancer, and she called me all crying and sad.

At least I and my loved ones are all safe and healthy right now.

Sure, my house is a piece of shit, but at least I have a house, and I have a little money to get it fixed up.

And yes, my kitty died a few weeks ago, but I have another kitty who is still here and who is giving me lots of love and attention.

All is well in my world right now. I am counting those blessings that the universe bestows upon me each day.

May you all have a blessed day, too!


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