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7:37 a.m. - 2005-11-15
Snow, Snow, Snow
Holy Shit! It snowed!

I hadn't paid carefuly attention to the forecast yesterday. Last I knew, we might get some rain today and it was going to be in the 40's.

Or . . . we might get 1 to 3 inches of snow and it's going to be in the 20's and 30's.

I have lived in Nebraska all my life and our changeable weather never ceases to amaze me.

On Saturday, it was 75 degrees and I went out with no jacket.

Even on Sunday and Monday, it was a little cooler, but still: no jacket, no socks.

Guess I can't do that today.

So let's see: first snow on the 15th. Fifteen more snows?

Not that any rules or any rhyme or reason applies to Nebraska weather, of course.

I hate snow. Except on Christmas. Other than that, I would be quite happy with weather ranging from the 40's to the 60's for winter. That's still cool enough for funky sweaters and nice leather boots, but not so cold that you have to break out parka's and mittens and snow boots.

Sorry. Boring entry. Weather and god damned Husker football are always safe, if boring, topics of discussion in regards to Nebraska or Nebraskans.


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