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9:48 p.m. - 2003-12-29
Googling: What's in a Name?
Ever googled your name?

I can't find anything on my actual name. Which is good. Not that I think a lot of people would go googlin' for me, but still. I'm pretty sure I don't want to be found.

I couldn't find anything on husband, either.

Googling my mom turned up my grandmother's obituary in the little tiny newspaper of her hometown, which has somehow made the leap into the 21st century and gone online. Interesting.

Googling my dad turned up lots of court-related documents (he's a judge) but nothing interesting.

Googled a few old high school chums while I was at it but didn't have much success.

Googled a couple college buddies and found a couple things, but not anything I didn't really know. (Not that I thought I'd find a lot.)

Googled my sister and OH MY GOD! Learned all kind of interesting shit!

I won't say what I found here but I'm starting to wonder if she's crazy!!!!!


I wonder, too, if she knows her name is all over the fucking internet like that. I'm sure it would make her paranoid.

Oh, well. A good sister never tells secrets. Her craziness is safe with me.

I did a posting a few months ago about a co-worker of mine who posed for hardcore porn pics that are in a national magazine.

She now has her own website, and just got cited by the police today for public nudity, due to some nude photos of her that were taken in a downtown bar and posted to her site.

Like a dumb-ass, she named the bars she was nude in where the pics were taken.

I guess we'll see what plays out there. She's facing a possible six months in jail and $500 fine.

I'm not sure how I feel about her and the whole porn pics thing.

As I mentioned before, it's tough to get on the elevator with her, knowing I've seen her pink naughty bits. I'm tempted to ask, "How DO you get your pussy so smooth?" Seriously. She's got the cleanest beaver I've ever seen. No fuzz. No stubble. No razor rash or wax rash. Truly, I'm puzzled.

(I never will ask her, of course, but that would be a laugh riot if I did, wouldn't it?)

Anyway, if you want to google for her, try "Melissa" and "Lincoln" in the same google search and I'm pretty sure you'll find her.

If you really want to be pissed off (or titillated, depending on your mood and your politics) you can also google "nebraska" and "co-eds" and see some other sordid pics, supposedly of people right here in Corn Country. Hmmm. Somehow I get the impression that they're not exactly COEDS. . . .


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