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8:05 p.m. - 2003-12-28
Coincidence? I think not!
Coincidence strikes again!

Husband and I were at a bar last night and just about everybody was gone by 12:15. We were finishing up our last beer and chatting w/ the cheesey bartender a little bit. The music selection was good that night, and I didn't know if it was CD or that piped-in subscription stuff, but a good song was on and I asked the bartender if he knew who it was.

"Steve Earle," he said.

I nodded. I'd heard of him but didn't recognize the particular song.

"No, wait, I'm sorry. It's Steve Wynn." He went in the back and brought out this CD: "Fluorescent." I think it was from 1994. I looked at the cover picture, song titles, etc. Noted it for future reference and said, "Hmm. Never heard of him, but it's nice."

I was looking at the CD on Amazon today and not only HAVE I HEARD OF him before, but I have HEARD him. Live. In concert. He opened for Concrete Blonde when I went and saw them at the Grove in March 2002.

And I liked him. Hell, for all I know, he performed that song that piqued my interest last night!

And I own some music from a band he used to be in, Dream Syndicate.

This is like the 10th time something like this has happened to me. Usually it involves CD's rather than concerts, though. I'll hear a song I like, think "Wow, that's a great song, I'll buy the movie soundtrack or CD that it's one."

After I buy it and listen to it and a few months go by, I'll be looking through my old CD/tape/vinyl collection and see that I already HAVE that song on another soundtrack or compilation CD of some kind.

One time I had the song I liked on THREE separate CD's, the last one of which I purchased just to get that particular song.

Good grief! I know I am sometimes guilty of getting a CD and listening to only the songs I like, but Christ! I thought I knew my own CD/tape/vinyl collection pretty well!!!

Anyway, just further proof of some concepts I have recently started to believe in: the collective unconscious, coincidences, synchronicity, the wisdom and attentiveness of the universe at large.

I am not a religious or spiritual person, per se, but the universe really does look out for you, if you let it.

So let it! Stop fighting! Every little coincidence is just one more happy accident that puts you on the path you need to be on. It's a way for the universe to say, "Do you need something? Well, now you know I am listening. . . ."


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