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4:03 p.m. - 2007-12-23
Moving on Christmas Day
A new apartment for Christmas.

A quiet one.

We get our keys tonight, and the landlord is hoping we can be out by 12/26, so they can move in.

Umm, I will 100% guarantee we will at least have our bedroom moved out by then, 'cause 12/26 is a Wednesday and hell if I am going to lose sleep over another Karaoke night from the pizza shop/bar downstairs.

Not sure when I'll have an internet connection again, due to the holiday, so it might be in 2008.

And if it is in 2008, I'll be over at Blogger, but I promise I'll link up so everybody can find me over there (all three of you who read my diary regularly, ha ha!)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if I don't chat with you before then!


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